The iconic green cardigan. No article of clothing can better represent Theresa Hu, who is often seen sporting this garb. A cardigan is formal, yet casual at the same time — at one moment, Theresa can dissect Breast and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami or indulge in the intricate poetry of Richard Siken and, in the next, utter the least comprehensible statement you’ve ever heard. Woven within cotton fibers are memories of dressing like an old man during Casino Night, basking in the sun on Centennial Field, and enjoying free-block tea-time with Dr. Nguyen. In their floppy cardigan pockets, Theresa stuffs hand warmers, a tide pen, and even a salt-preserved lizard carcass. Held together by wood buttons, Theresa is always surrounded by their close friends, who would attest to Theresa’s affectionate personality. Theresa will need more than just their green cardigan to keep them warm next year, venturing to Williams College in Massachusetts to study Sociology. Beneath several winter layers, however, Theresa will continue to radiate green cardigan spirit.