After living his whole life in Sunbury, a tiny town in the middle of Pennsylvania, Ben Brudnicki has learned how to enjoy the simple things in life. Usually, hanging out with him doesn’t require anything apart from a good place to sit and a few funny stories lined up. Although it may not be apparent at first, Ben has two very distinct sides to his personality. One moment, he can be found in his natural habitat: dorm dwelling while playing War Thunder or Skyblock. An hour later, he could be chasing his friends around campus or engaging in a lively debate at the tables behind Jameson about any topic imaginable. Ben loves to goof around, but after four years at Webb, he has also undeniably become someone you can trust and go to for help when you need it. As a North Hutch prefect, Ben has dealt with all sorts of ugly issues, but he still claims that he “enjoys raising the freshmen.” In addition to his unglamorous prefect role, Ben is resilient in many other ways, considering how he stayed humble after enduring a few rough seasons of robotics and baseball. Although Ben will miss Experimental Physics, his friends, and especially Dr. Beikmann because “he is a real one,” he is excited to study Aerospace Engineering in college after he leaves Webb, and hopefully work for Lockheed Martin or Boeing one day.