A designer and artisan from Beijing, Michael Fu carries an air of unique sophistication throughout his various roles on campus. From the head of the Art Club and host of the Art Café to the designer of the Fabric Pavilion at McMillan, he is a motivated virtuoso who pursues his crafts. Michael’s passion drives his ambitions in his studies. If you can’t catch Michael practicing his instruments or reading on a Saturday afternoon, you’ll probably find him running under the weekend sunlight. Like bracings on a wall, Michael stands among his friends as a dependable and unique person who’s able to listen along and rely on. Such are the finer details of Michael Fu, a top-laner and Camille main, a lover of alt rock and Tarantino films, a musician versed in the arts of piano, flute and guitar. At Princeton University, Michael will continue his ambitions in architecture – in his words, “the most rigorous and romantic art.” As Michael heads for New Jersey, sketched upon his final canvas is the lemon tree outside his window, and his memories with his friends at Webb.