Kaylynn Chang (’23)

Humans of Webb

Nothing is as powerful as the story. 

A short, five-letter word that crafts its own language. A story reveals voices, thoughts, lessons, fears, laughter and everything in between, bridging the separation between us by uniting those who hear what it has to say. To me, there is nothing more beautiful than understanding the human experience from the source: you and me. 

Inspired by Humans of New York, Brandon Stanton’s works of story-telling art, Humans of Webb seeks to find stories from those who have so much to say if only we stop to ask and listen. To kindling passion through recording music and crafting beats, from reuniting with an old friend and finding storybook magic in life, or even pursuing a journey of self-growth and perseverance, here are the stories of three Webb faculty and staff members who shared the moments of their lives that show who they are. 

Monica Cruz
Melodie Akers
Brendan Beikmann