Summer Chen (’20)

Ms. Seraphina Oney (’12)

A Vivian Webb School Alumna, Seraphina Oney (‘12) returns to Webb to embrace her new role as a teacher of Evolutionary Biology and Integrated Physics and Chemistry, as well as dorm head of North Hutch. Her goal is to spread her love of science to all students and push students to think critically. She recently completed her masters in Biomedicine and cannot wait for the cell unit in Evolutionary Biology. Although she is young, she taught a leadership course and held a fellowship over the summer. Just like when she was a student, Ms. Oney will help advise the spring musical, as she enjoys singing and participated in theatre throughout all four years of high school. As a dorm head, she gets to experience Webb from a boarder’s perspective, contrary to her school experience as a day student. On the weekends, she loves hanging out with friends in L.A. and going home to see her one-eyed pug, Peanut.


Get to know Ms. Oney!

🌟 Leo

🎥 Lord of the Rings

📺 Hawaii Five-0, Charmed

🎧 Empire of the Sun, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, The Cranberries

🍽 Korean Soft Tofu Soup