Summer Chen (’20)

Ms. Megan Horejsi

Megan Horejsi is the only new fine arts department faculty member. She will teach Honors Studio Art, Digital Media Art, and New Media Culture and Communication to welcome her 10th year of teaching. As a digital illustrator, she loves technology–video editing, animation, 3D printing–and looks forward to helping students develop their online persona, learn digital citizenship, and build an audience. She even has her own website! After school, Ms. Horejsi helps out with Art Studio and Yearbook in both layout and photo editing. On weekends, she loves sleeping in, finishing projects around the house, and trying out new restaurants with her husband. When she eats in the dining hall, she likes the prepared salads. She can also be found hanging out with her cats, Willoughby and Kira. Originally from Long Beach, Horejsi appreciates Claremont’s quiet neighborhoods and suburban vibes.


Get to know Ms. Horejsi!

🌟 Virgo

🎥 The Big Lebowski

📺 Gravity Falls, documentaries

🎧 Hozier, The Black Keys, The White Stripes

🍽 Ramen, Mexican Foods, Breve Latte

📚 Jane Austen, George Orwell, Alexandre Dumas

*Correction: The initial post of this article identified Megan Horejsi as Morgan Horejsi.