Summer Chen (’20)

Mr. James Huerta

After teaching around the world in Mexico, China, and Ecuador, James Huerta returns to the States to teach Foundations of Civilization, Advanced Studies Fascism, and Advanced Studies Latin America in the 20th Century at Webb. When he was out of the country, he missed going to Dodgers games and the variety of food, specifically In-N-Out. Mr. Huerta will coach WSC JV soccer and JV baseball. Although it is his first time coaching, Mr. Huerta grew up playing baseball and American football. On a typical Saturday, he can be found watching Premier League and Spanish football games, as well as playing video games such as FIFA. Having studied film as an undergraduate, Mr. Huerta especially enjoys sci-fi films. During his time at Webb so far, he has enjoyed the dining hall’s enchiladas, looks forward to exploring Fascism, and cannot wait to share his passion of Latin American literature with his students.


Get to know Mr. Huerta!

🌟 Libra

🎥 La Jetée (Sci-Fi in general)

📺 House of Cards, Bojack Horseman

🎧 Jazz, Hip-hop, Latin American Music

🍽 Tacos, Persian Food, Mediterranean Food

📚 White Teeth, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao