Summer Chen (’20)

Ms. Morgan Kapp

Morgan Kapp may not be new to Webb, but she brings a new attitude to our community after living in Madrid for three years. As her 14th year of teaching begins, she returns to the language department to teach Spanish 3 and Spanish 4. Though she says she is “vieja,” she will be coaching triathlon and track. On the weekends, she can be found bike riding at 8 a.m. and grabbing coffee with her fellow bikers after recharging outdoors. Before becoming a cyclist and riding her bike from Amsterdam to Paris, Ms. Kapp went to high school in Orange County. A consummate Californian, Ms. Kapp loves the food and the myriad of cultures that surround us. Ms. Kapp is excited to return to Webb and work with the language teachers. One of her favorite parts of Webb is the vegetarian option that the dining hall offers.


Get to know Ms. Kapp!

🌟 Cancer

🎥 180 Degrees South: Conquerors of the Useless

📺 Schitt’s Creek

🎧 “I’m really bad at listening to music.” Likes Mr. Nichols’ music taste

🍽 Café con leche

Ms. Kapp loves bike riding