Emma Lin (‘20) will be entering her senior year at Webb. Embracing her new role as the Editor of Culture & Lifestyle for the Webb Canyon Chronicle,...
Graphic Courtesy of Emma Lin (’20)
December 18, 2018
Wes Anderson has a signature aesthetic that he implements into every movie that he directs, produces, and writes. This aesthetic is called Twee, described by Marc Spitz in his book Twee: The Gentle Revolution in Music, Books, Television, Fashion, and Film as “the preciousness of all the gentle aspects of adolescence.” In other words, Twee is the hipster, retro, quirky, indie look that you can see in tons of aspects of culture and lifestyle today. In Wes Anderson’s movies, it is easy to identify Twee in the costume designs. The most notable costume designer for Wes Anderson movies is Milena Canonero, who worked on The Darjeeling Limited, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. From bright blue suits with red beanies to boy scout uniforms, his costume aesthetic all screams Twee.
Emma Lin (‘20) will be entering her senior year at Webb. Embracing her new role as the Editor of Culture & Lifestyle for the Webb Canyon Chronicle,...