Juliana Base

If you saw Juliana Base without knowing who she is, you would probably be intimidated by her. Her arduous aura is further evinced by the fact that she has competed in sports every three seasons for four years, and was the only girl on the Webb football team. Underneath her rigid surface, though, Juliana is really a curious, artistic, and sincere person. As a day student prefect, she enjoyed her time spent serving library duty, helping underclassmen with their math homework and hanging out with her friends. Juliana is also really interested in science. After reading The Bone Labyrinth by James Rollins, she discovered a hidden interest for “tiny stuff you can’t see,” which led her to want to study Microbiology. On the weekends, she enjoys a good nap, a good show, or some good food. Juliana will attend the University of California, Riverside with her major undeclared, but is leaning towards studying Biology.