Anne Lofgren

Anne Lofgren has called Webb her home since the day she was born. Although she grew up on campus as a faculty kid, she has found her own place at Webb as current VWS all-school president, two-year varsity cross country captain, all-around hiking-enthusiast, and VWS Class of 2019’s salutatorian. Her all-time favorite class at Webb has been Advanced Studies Organic Chemistry; this course inspired her to strongly consider majoring in Chemistry in Middlebury College this fall. Bands like 5SOS have gotten her through some rough patches at Webb, but as Anne reflects upon her high school career, she realizes she will never forget the moments that have made her the happiest. During Theme Nights of her junior year, the Class of 2019 charged up Gym Hill to put on a stellar unified and empowering performance. Whether she chooses to major in Chemistry or something totally different, Anne’s dynamic persona will be missed as she leaves home to find a new one in Vermont this fall.