Matt Martinez

6’’4’, 265 pounds, a varsity football team co-captain, a frequenter of the weight roomyet Matt Martinez is antithetical to mean, stereotypical, arrogant high school athletic superstars. He has the warmest smile and the best responses in a conversation: “Uh huh,” “Oh yeah totally,” “For sure!” Throughout his journey at Webb, Matt’s family, especially his three older siblings, have motivated him the most. As Matt spent more time at Webb, he became more social, open, and straightforward with people. Matt’s relentless grind has paid off as he has committed to University of Chicago to continue his football and academic careers. His journey starts this September when he plays against high school teammates JJ Cunningham (‘19) and Simon Dawson (‘19) in his first college football game. For the far future, Matt sees himself as an orthopedic surgeon and he is just on the “slow grind towards his goal.”