Nathan Paik

Nathan Paik is a constant source of energy around campus, often bursting with loud exclamations when least expected. Even if you have never gotten the chance to talk to him, you have most likely seen him casually dancing to the K-pop music playing in his head or shouting across the Quad to one of his friends. Along with this energy, Nathan demonstrates a bright spirit, navigating his courses unbiasedly and keeping an intellectually open mind. Apart from being co-head of the Day Student Prefects, he is a dedicated varsity basketball co-captain and an essential part of the varsity swim team. However, Nathan acted as a leader without a title when he was caught guiding a herd of seniors boys into the bushes behind Chandler Field to catch a rare Pokémon. The I.E. will not be losing its local Paikman this fall when he attends Pomona College in Claremont.