Cathy Wang (’22)

Angie Chen (’20) and Alia Al-Turki’s (’20) room glows in blue in the dark.

Students personalize their home away from home

At a boarding high school, dorm rooms and residential life are essential to student life. Roughly 65% of all Webbies have a room on campus. Heading into the third week of school, boarders are pretty much all settled into their dorm rooms and prepared to embrace another strenuous school year. While all dorm rooms come with standardized shelves, beds, and tables, many students organize and design their individual spaces to make their home away from home feel personalized and comfortable.

Jones 2 – Caitlin Pender (‘20)
South Hutch 414 – Karma Griggs (‘23) and Marina Saeger (‘23)
North Hutch 433 – Angie Chen (‘20) and Alia Al-Turki (‘20)
Jameson 2 – Michael Martinez (‘21)
Upper MacLeod 363 – Matthew Gaw (‘21) and Jonathan Zhang (‘21)
Upper MacLeod 364– Jay Gupta (‘20) & Roy Jiang (‘20)