Catch up on the WCC while on coronacation! Graphic courtesy of Kara Sun
Living in the age of COVID-19
Hey Webbies!
Campus is eerily quiet, dorms are completely empty, and all students are home on mandatory “coronacation.” This unprecedented global epidemic has shifted the ways we interact with the media, society, technology, and the greater world around us. You must have some questions, thoughts, and feelings of uncertainty during this turbulent time. Confused about how to properly socially distance? Feeling down about spring sports? Want some tips on how to stay productive from home? The following articles deal with topics related to the intersection of Webb and COVID-19. We hope you stay healthy and safe!
The WCC Team

How to stay motivated while Zooming from home
With the drastic change of relocating from Webb to home, students may find it difficult to stay motivated and on top of all of their work. Luckily, some Webbies have already devised their best tips and tricks to fulfill all of their work while quarantined. Jacob Weigand (‘20) is a day student who is used to working from home, but he is still adjusting to the online classes format. “I try ...

How to combat quarantine with movies and shows!
Millions of families around the world have been under quarantine or "safer at home" orders. As fun as it may be to have family bonding time, sometimes people just need a binge-worthy show or movie to watch. Whether you choose a fun British cooking show or an action-packed movie, there are unlimited shows at the push of a button, waiting to be watched. “I love watching movies on the weekend and...

Why Webbies should go outside
As the sun sneaks in through your curtain, you come face-to-face with your daily COVID-19 dilemma. Binge-watch the latest season of Money Heist with a party-sized bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? Or get dressed, grab a nutritious breakfast, and go outside for a morning jog? Nature is a free, organic remedy to cabin fever. Instead of contributing to their growing screen times, Webbies around the wo...

Students’ journey home extends with quarantine
In March, as the COVID-19’s spread in China began to slow, frequent arrivals of international flights posed threats to the positive news. New cases were increasing every day, and China was concerned about a possible second outbreak. By the time Webb announced a campus closure due to the pandemic, China had started enacting stricter policies in order to prevent more overseas cases from coming into Chin...

Games, websites, and videos, oh my!
Although hanging out and laughing with friends may seem impossible without in-person contact, the help of social media and the internet can help ease this transition. From movies to apps to online games, technology has come in handy to be one of the many ways to stay connected with people through more interactive mediums than just a phone call. “It’s been really hard to stay in contact with my friends, b...

What does it really mean to “flatten the curve”?
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists and leaders have been urging us to “flatten the curve,” referring to a graph that shows two projections of how the pandemic could unfold. The graph plots the number of cases over time, and the two curves represent that number with and without protective measures. Additionally, there is a line showing the maximum number of cases the Americ...

What does COVID-19 mean for the college application process?
Amidst all the craziness in the world right now, there remain a few burning questions in many people’s minds about AP testing and the college application process. 2020 is likely going to be a challenging year for college applicants, and here is a compilation of information to help with that! Standardized testings SAT: The College Board has canceled the May 2nd and June 6th tests. The next planned tests will be held on August 29th, ...

“Chinese Virus”: A new xenophobia is incited against Asians
The stock market is dropping, people are dying, and with more than half of the countries of the world infected, the coronavirus has led to a negative start to 2020. The coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, is a severe respiratory disease that initially began in Wuhan, China in late December 2019. Unfortunately, as the virus originated in China, the location of its origin has led to increased ra...

Seniors robbed as the school year ends prematurely
When the news first emerged that school was being shifted to remote learning on March 12th, the senior class was the first to realize the true extent of what they would lose in an online curriculum. Excitement for Webb Day, Prom, Jubilee, the musical, senior trips, and Commencement evaporated in seconds and was replaced with a burning desire to at least have some semblance of the year back. Initiall...

Spring sports fall victim to COVID-19
After completing two seasons of afternoon activities, student athletes were excited to compete and train for their upcoming spring season. Starting off with many wins and on the track to a successful season, athletes prepared for badminton games, track meets, tennis matches, swim meets, and baseball/softball games. Some athletes even trained pre-season and participated in activities such as baseball cl...

Asynchronous students adjust to online learning
Whether or not COVID-19 prompts an apocalypse that turns our world into a dystopian YA novel, we are surely living through a prominent global event that our kids, and even their kids, will learn about in the future. High school, college, and even younger students from around the world are adjusting to online learning in an effort to encourage social distancing, a transition that many find disheartening. ...

Webb students face challenges on the journey home during a pandemic
Many hopeless students stepped outside the Liu Cheung theater into the rain, feeling the drizzle drain the last bits of energy from their bodies as they wondered what to do next. Students were not sure whether they should call their family to book plane tickets, say farewell to their day student friends, or simply find a quiet spot on campus to process the announcement. Thirty minutes prior, on that Thursday after...

Zoom basics for students
With the escalating Coronavirus pandemic, the switch to online learning has rocked Webb’s campus and the administration, changing many people’s way of life, including the classroom dynamic. Many students have questions about some of the new rules, so I got in contact with administrators for clarification. Rule 1: Students are still expected to attend their classes on time and dress in ap...

The WCC dives into the world of books
As social distancing and quarantines have much of the Webb community stuck indoors, there is nothing better to fend off boredom than picking up a new book! Our recommendations span all genres from sci-fi to memoirs and are suitable for all readers. Janina Akporavbare: Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys Imagine fighting for survival in a Siberian work camp during World War II and during the ge...

Covid-19 wreaks havoc on the entertainment industry
Many people anticipated the release of major blockbuster movies within the coming weeks only to have their excitement diminished with the unforeseen outbreak of Covid-19. The virus originated in Wuhan, China, and has now been named a global pandemic infecting 577,000 and claiming the lives of 26,000 as of March 27th. In the United States, 94,000 were infected as of March 27th. In order to flatten the cur...

Webbies become Zoomers
As schools began closing their campuses in early March, Zoom, the online group conference platform that Webb now uses for homeschooling, has become the joke of all schools in America. Whether through creating “Zoom University” stickers or using Zoom as a new online dating platform, Zoom has become our source of education and comic relief during this highly stressful time. So far, the Webb Zo...
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