Molly Mitchell

If you have never had an opportunity to hear Molly Mitchell sing, you are missing out. Luckily, most of the Webb community has been graced by her amazing vocals through her performances in the musicals, Jubilee, and the Fawcett Library Performance Series. Molly says that the Webb theatre department made her realize her passion for performing and recognize her desire to pursue the field after high school. Outside of theatre, Molly enjoys hanging out with her friends, watching Buzzfeed Unsolved, and going on camping expeditions with Mr. Gerken for the Literature and Leadership in the Wilderness course. This class was this Rancho Cucamonga native’s favorite because she felt like she was learning information that would be valuable and applicable in the future. She will miss the lessons she learned and the people she met at Webb. Next year she will study Theater Education and Performance at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.