Edison Adler
Edison Adler is a rock star; he plays a variety of instruments, including violin and the guitar. He was in the band Lucid Daze with one of his best friends, Ben Martinez (‘19). His fondest Webb memory is of him and his friends rocking out at 2018 Jubilee. One of his staple songs is “Everlong” by Foo Fighters. Along with being a musician, Edison is a varsity basketball player and participates in fiel...

Aman Ahmed
You might know Aman Ahmed as the “quiet” senior that hogs Room 3 of the Fawcett Library, but under the surface, he describes himself as, “fun, tired, effervescent, and caring.” After surviving his tenth grade finals despite mixing up two of the test dates, Aman moved from India and began his journey as a Webbie during his junior year. Since then, he has taken on many new hobbies and created...

Sam Annunziato
Sam Annunziato is an Impractical Jokers-watching and Italian food-loving sports aficionado. He is nothing short of a skilled prankster. His favorite Webb memory speaks to his love of pranks: during his sophomore year, Sam’s parents went on vacation to Europe, so he decided to stay in Brian Yang (‘19) and Jun Kim’s (‘19) double room for that period of time. One fine day, Sam and Brian thoug...

Kourosh Ariane
Simply put, Kourosh Ariane is a sushi-loving Persian boy who drives a Toyota Highlander, which he affectionately dubbed the “Neylander.” A competitive cross country runner and a lover of tennis, Kourosh is a blend of the serious and the sincere. When he is not experimenting with how many hours he can invest in a Mountain Dew-fueled digital mayhem, he is offering sage advice such as “be chill...

Juliana Base
If you saw Juliana Base without knowing who she is, you would probably be intimidated by her. Her arduous aura is further evinced by the fact that she has competed in sports every three seasons for four years, and was the only girl on the Webb football team. Underneath her rigid surface, though, Juliana is really a curious, artistic, and sincere person. As a day student prefect, she enjoyed her time s...

Bella Biane
You may run into Bella Biane in the art room, on the tennis court, or at I Like Pie Bakeshop. No matter where, you can count on her to “live life in the moment, because everything else is uncertain.” She has raised the roof at the 2018 Prom, enjoyed Bridgette Lee (‘20)’s burping numbers on post-tennis trips to McDonald’s, and experienced countless light-bulb moments learning about the envi...

Jacob Borello
If you were to go back four years and try to locate Jacob Borello as a freshman, you would probably have a hard time finding him. The only dead giveaways might be his haircut, his cute face, maybe his love for technology, or if you walked into Hooper and tried looking for the kid on his iPad playing Clash of Clans. Since then, though, Jacob has become an almost completely different person. After tennis ...

Hannah Botnick
She is blunt, she is bold, she is Hannah Botnick. Whether you catch her in the dorms or just walking around campus, you can always count on her to be listening to some funky rap and spitting lyrics with an honest tongue. Her directness is what makes Hannah, Hannah. She looks up to Tyler the Creator, a rapper who is always himself and does everything for himself. When she is not jamming out to Tyler...

Rylie Brick
It is hard to miss Rylie Brick, since coaches always give her shoutouts, her name is prominent on the pool’s record board, and you probably catch a glimpse of her everyday. Practically everyone knows of her swimming prowess, and most people know her in general since she is “cool with everyone” as a Webbie and a peer advisor. She leads a rebellious lifestyle and prefers to remain unrestrained,...

JP Calderoni
JP Calderoni is a puppy, especially when a good song comes on. As soon as he hears it, his tail starts wagging and he jumps up and down in excitement. In addition to music, JP is always excited about his work as a head peer advisor. He especially enjoyed planning orientation and created some of his favorite memories at the beginning of the year while working with freshmen and other PAs. After school, JP...

Michael Carrasco
Michael Carrasco is the modern-day renaissance man. His interests span across a wide variety of subjects, as he loves playing guitar, reading books, and shooting hoops. To add to these myriad activities, Michael finds himself leaning towards a pre-med track since many of his family members are doctors. His passion for learning is evident in his choice to attend a month-long course in Mexico this summer, w...

Ally Casillas
If you do not know Ally Casillas, you may recognize her around campus by her signature hypebeast Gucci or Supreme outfits. At first, Ally may seem quiet, but once you break through her shy exterior, you will enter her world of hilarious Australian accents served with dino chicken nuggets from Rainforest Cafe. On weekends, you can find Ally and her closest friends searching for the trendiest food spots in...

Vanessa Casillas
“Fun-loving, spunky, and outgoing” are just a few words that capture the essence of Vanessa Casillas. Her smile brightens any room she walks into and her laugh is absolutely contagious. Whether it be jamming out to “Day ‘N’ Nite” by Kid Cudi, obsessing over the controversial After book series, or dining at Din Tai Fung, Vanessa will be right by your side through it all. One of her favorit...

Ben Chai
Ben Chai is class president, captain of wrestling, water polo player, K-pop dancer, Sage Academy tutor, and “a massive cutie,” as his friends would say. While these titles may not all align, they all center around Ben’s philosophy of doing whatever he wants to do and not taking himself too seriously. He loves “joshing around” with his friends, and has made some of his favorite memories h...

Tiffany Chang
After college, Tiffany Chang could be an organic farmer, a ghostbuster, or maybe she will finally understand why she received the superlative of “most tech-savvy.” Clearly, Tiffany is an adventurous spirit. She spent her freshman year in Hangzhou, immersing herself in Chinese culture and language. The following year, she arrived at Webb as a new sophomore and became involved with performing and vi...

Charlie Chen
Born and raised in Chongqing, China, Charlie Chen has inspired others through leadership in a myriad of Webb activities: WSC all-school president, member of the chapel council, admissions ambassador, and head waiter. Besides being an instrumental part of the musical, soccer, and track teams, Charlie is most passionate about running cross country with his pals. His favorite memory from his time at Webb is...

Wing Chow
Wing Chow is a dorm prefect and is a true presence as a libero on the WSC volleyball team. Wing loves his teammates for their spirit and effort they put in every game, and he plans to spend more time with his friends as senior year comes to an end. His favorite event has been, as he said, “LA Times! LA Times! The food and performances were always good.” He also participated in robotics for all four years,...

Bridgid Corbin
With her natural talent for finding flaws in arguments, it is no surprise that Bridgid Corbin wants to become a lawyer in the future. Bridgid has participated in debate since she was in sixth grade, and is currently one of the captains of the Webb debate team. Under Bridgid’s leadership, not only did the debate team win the League Championship for the first time in six years, but for the first ti...

JJ Cunningham
You might see JJ Cunningham walking around the football field, or sitting at the Senior Spot referencing shows like The Office and Brooklyn 99. As an admissions fellow, head of the Honor Cabinet, captain of the football team, student, and friend, JJ has left more than a small mark on our school. These marks include physical ones, which the Library South desk could attest to after he was part of the gro...

Mary Davis
Mary Davis is ready to take on the world, no matter what it throws at her. She demonstrates a strong and fair moral compass, which has led her to become the co-chair of the Honor Cabinet. She is excited to study Political Science (and maybe even become a Senator), especially because her personal hero is Bob Simon from 60 Minutes. She comes from a family of water polo players, which makes it no surprise that she has p...

Simon Dawson
You are walking up the steps to the library, and you notice something that resembles a tumbleweed, bobbing up and down, side to side. Confused, and slightly scared, you stumble up the steps to look more closely. You realize that the brown blob was actually Simon Dawson’s hair. The motion that resembled a spastic squirrel was actually him dancing. When he is not busting a move, Simon can be found advi...

Winona Dodds
How does one describe Winona Dodds? One of the most energetic, loving, and spontaneous people in the class of 2019. In an environment that too often focuses on the negative, Winona should be considered a diamond in the rough. Her bright energy helped her stand out in varsity tennis, where she has been the only four-year player. On the weekends, Winona can be seen in her car, rapping Big Sean from ...

Jaden Dumont
If you ever need help with a video game, Jaden Dumont is the person to ask. He loves spending his free time playing video games with his friends, their favorite being Fortnite. When he is not taking Victory Royales, Jaden can be found listening to artists like Billie Eilish or Future. He has loved taking classes taught by Rick Duque, such as Honors Sports Literature & History and the Foundatio...

Eric Evans
Eric Evans’ favorite quote, “I think it’s fine,” embodies his persona on campus. One cannot think of Eric Evans without thinking of his beloved truck with “YEE YEE” across the windshield and fishing stickers on the back. At Webb, he continued his 13-year-long career in baseball. Although he does not remember much else of high school, he values the memories he made with his friends while ...

Brooke Fakhoury
Brooke Fakhoury lives a life of contrast. She loves to venture on trips to the beach with her friends during the day and find new adventures through a good book at night. At Webb, she is a soft-hearted co-head peer advisor who treats the position as her “baby,” but do not be fooled by her kind ambiance. She is fierce, ready to defend her opinions in casual conversations and classroom environment. She ...

Jordan Fang
Having lived in Taipei, Hong Kong, Claremont, and soon to be Eagle Rock, Jordan Fang is truly a global citizen. His favorite class is AP Chinese Language and Culture because he really enjoys the laidback in-class environment. Although Jordan is an avid water polo player, his passion is personal fitness. He dedicated seven out of his twelve seasons at Webb participating in the winter and spring functi...

Lexie Freeland
Lexie Freeland, with her leggings and sweatshirts, is either burrowed in her bed away from civilization or at the senior spot socializing with all of her friends. Her infectious laugh combined with her sometimes too-dark sense of humor makes her presence magnetic. She usually looks scared with doll-like eyes, but she is also contradictingly brave – constantly on the search for the best scary movie...

Izzy Gerard
Izzy Gerard is a busy bee. She enjoys the constant flow of being occupied and has mastered the art of organization and time management with the help of Webb’s workload. She works with the Chapel Council and constantly volunteers to help the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology on campus. When she is not working, you can catch her watching The Great British Bake Off, indulging in its sweet ambiance and ado...

Garrett Goodrich
Being a new senior has not impeded Garret Goodrich’s impact on the Webb community. He is an active member of the LGBTQ+ & Allies club and has been an important addition to the theater tech program this year. Before officially enrolling, he still spent a lot of time with Webb students. He said, “Sophomore year [2016] homecoming [at Webb] kind of has this mythic spot in my mind. It was this li...

Tara Helou
Tara Helou can be found editing the yearbook or at the Combined Kitchen in Rancho Cucamonga. You can recognize Tara by her bluish hair, but it was not always this way; she said, “I tried to dye my whole hair red, and like it looked really really bad.” Outside of school, she loves to hang out with her friends and go out to brunch. Like all seniors, she loved Theme Nights for the Class of 2019’...

Drew Hersch
Drew Hersch’s music has made him into a mini-celebrity this year, and he has nothing but big things ahead of him. His passions for art, music, and photography have resulted in a massive body of work, from his freshman-year YouTube channel (don’t ask), to his professional photoshoots, to his album. Drew’s love for creating art takes up much of his free time, especially when an event like Jubilee come...

Marty Hild
Marty Hild is often seen before he is heard. His most unique attributes are his artistic talents, which he hopes to pursue in college. Marty will start college at Western Washington University and plans to double major in Art and Business. His affinity for business comes from his parents’ entrepreneurship skills and Marty hopes to one day establish his own advertising company. His favorite Webb memo...

Jillian Holliday
Jillian Holliday is going to change the world and is confident that she is going to make the world a better place. With plans to become a lawyer in the future, Jillian wants to bring equity to the criminal justice system, which she believes promulgates unfair experiences for its victims. Jillian is not one to back away from a challenge. She performed in the dance show for the first time this year, which pu...

Nicole Huh
Nicole Huh successfully blends her love of sports and science. While managing the triathlon team and playing volleyball, Nicole challenged herself with Experimental Physics. Although she will tell you she is bad at physics, she did what Nicole does: pushing herself and succeeding. As the unofficial roommate of Sophia Li (‘19), Nicole’s central presence and dedication in her friends’ lives is admi...

Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson is highly distinguished for his accomplishments in various varsity Webb sports, including football, basketball, and track and field. One of his fondest memories at Webb was traveling with the football team to play against Stevenson School in Northern California during the fall of his senior year. On this trip, he developed stronger relationships with members of his team, traveled to a new ...

Lindsay Jung
Lindsay Jung is a mermaid. Half-fish, half-human, she is a school record-breaker in four swim events. Lindsay is a co-captain of the VWS varsity water polo squad, but most importantly, an inspirational teammate. Her infectious smile radiates beyond the pool deck, as she is an active volunteer at her local hospital and a passionate organic chemist. Lindsay’s most cherished memories at Webb have been with...

Kevin Kang
Kevin Kang is most often described with one word: large. He stretches his large, authentic personality across the Webb campus by serving on the Honor Committee, playing three varsity sports, and dancing to K-pop music at various school events, such as Theme Nights and Jubilee. One of his favorite memories is dancing to Twice, a popular K-pop girl group, before every water polo game with his teamma...

Woosuk Kang
With Woosuk Kang, there is no in-between – either he is in his room playing League of Legends with friends or he has vanished from the campus on weekends to go to the Claremont Village or the 99 Ranch Market. Woosuk was affectionately called a “stud” in Ben Chai’s chapel talk. He loves his class with a passion because of the connection he experiences during class events, such as Theme Nights or...

Rachel Kho
Rachel Kho is the vegan yoga master that everyone wishes they could be. She flies from book series to book series and can play a variety of instruments; she even is a head peer advisor, president of the LGBT Club, and president of the Harry Potter Club. She gracefully cries though her favorite Korean dramas, theatre musicals, and poetically written films. Rachel is considerate and she wishes the world could ...

Jun Kim
Jun Kim has called a handful of places home: South Korea, the Bay Area, and most recently, Claremont, California. Within the span of a few hours at Webb, Jun can transition from being concertmaster of the school orchestra to a varsity tennis team co-captain. This unlikely combination serves to highlight the true essence of his life: “loud, but not annoying.” Jun embraces his self-proclaimed au...

Bill King
Bill King. With a name like royalty, he certainly lives up to it – especially on the volleyball court. When you walk into the gym, Bill immediately stands out as he leaps high into the air and forcefully spikes the ball down onto his opponents. Despite being the “King” of the volleyball court, Bill also keeps himself busy as a freshman prefect and admission fellow. On weekends, you can find Bill ...

Gavin Lee
Gavin Lee has made a great impact on Webb as a leader on the Chapel Council and an admissions fellow. Gavin’s advice to his freshman self would be to “do what you want.” As an athlete, Gavin loved triathlon; he enjoyed getting to know his teammates and his coach. On the weekends, he goes out and explores new places to eat. One of his favorite moments was giving his chapel talk because to him,...

Adrian Leong
If you have ever spoken to Adrian Leong, you have heard him say, “It’s subjective.” Beyond his surface of being a K-pop enthusiast and lowkey introvert, his catchphrase is quite telling of who he is. To him, living to the fullest is doing whatever makes you genuinely happy and agreeing to disagree in order to be true to yourself. For Adrian, it has been spending time with friends ordering food...

Sophia Li
Sophia Li’s ideal evening is filled with burgers and a side of Friends. This “Rachel” is the ideal roommate, and her couch is forever filled with adoring fans. Webb’s best listener and offerer of sage advice reminds us all that mistakes are a part of the process. A foodie with a refined palate and a penchant for adventure, this tennis aficionado is also a Homecoming fan, delighting in the en...

Tony Li
A self-proclaimed nerd, Tony Li is passionate about his schoolwork and everything he sets his mind to. While at Webb, he has dedicated himself to his work in order to be successful. He has loved spending his afternoons volunteering at the Raymond Alf Museum. Throughout high school, Tony has focused on getting his work done productively and never screwing around. His favorite teacher has been Jonat...

Allison Lilley
You may know Allison Lilley from her laugh around campus or her name on the Webb swim record board. She is a triple-threat: a day student prefect, an avid co-captain of the swim team, and a dedicated student. However, there is more to Allison than what meets the eye – she has an immense love for her friends, even through their battles for the best roasts. As their designated driver, Allison is c...

Ivy Liu
Ivy Liu is the embodiment of an artsy person. From taking Dr. Ardina Greco’s art class to playing an active role in Art Café, Ivy is passionate about art and design. Besides her devotion to the arts, she also enjoys watching “cheesy Chinese high school movies” and spending time alone in her room on quiet weekends. Throughout the years, Ivy’s biggest motivation has been her sister, who always...

Euphy Liu
Euphy Liu lives by the How I Met Your Mother quote: “Because sometimes even if you know how something's gonna end that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.” Webb’s long ride has given Euphy dozens of opportunities to try new activities, such as tennis, softball, Student Government, paleontology, and many more. Out of all of her extracurriculars, her favorite was the winter dance show, specificall...

Anne Lofgren
Anne Lofgren has called Webb her home since the day she was born. Although she grew up on campus as a faculty kid, she has found her own place at Webb as current VWS all-school president, two-year varsity cross country captain, all-around hiking-enthusiast, and VWS Class of 2019’s salutatorian. Her all-time favorite class at Webb has been Advanced Studies Organic Chemistry; this course inspired her to str...

Lawrence Mao
As a deep and brilliant thinker, Lawrence Mao is extremely passionate about programming. He competes in robotics competitions while enrolled in higher-level computer science classes at Harvey Mudd College. However, he still takes time to appreciate the simple things around him. Lawrence enjoys being a part of a team and working with like-minded people; it is the reason he has enjoyed his time with ba...

Ben Martinez
Even if you do not know Ben Martinez, you know who he is. His out-there style and personality make him instantly recognizable around campus: a true Webb icon. He is well known for his endless energy competing for his class at events like Theme Nights or cheering on his wrestling teammates at big meets. But sometimes you need to mellow out, and that is where XXXTentacion, Juice Wrld, and A Clockwork ...

Izzy Martinez
Imagine that you are driving next to an Audi, thumping to the beats of throwback R&B, the latest in pop, or reggaetón hits. You may not recognize Izzy Martinez at first, but her appreciation for the old, eagerness for the new, and love for her roots are apparent in a simple drive down the 210 Freeway. Izzy may not be the loudest girl, but that does not stop her from dancing her heart out at c...

Matt Martinez
6’’4’, 265 pounds, a varsity football team co-captain, a frequenter of the weight room—yet Matt Martinez is antithetical to mean, stereotypical, arrogant high school athletic superstars. He has the warmest smile and the best responses in a conversation: “Uh huh,” “Oh yeah totally,” “For sure!” Throughout his journey at Webb, Matt’s family, especially his three older siblings, have mo...

Noah Martinez
Like an onion, Noah Martinez is pale and has many layers. When you first meet him, he is the perfect student every teacher and parent loves. He is a day student prefect, a straight-A student, and wants to pursue the pre-med track in college. But each time you hear him scream out of nowhere, you get to know him better and better. He can cook and bake, but only mac and cheese or boxed brownie mix. He...

Willy Martinez
Willy Martinez is an extremely active participant in the Webb community. He is head prefect of WSC dorms and a dedicated member of both the varsity basketball and volleyball teams. Willy has especially cherished this past season on the volleyball team, because he feels like the team truly connected this year, as they came together to win the League Championship. He loves the Alamo dorm, and has fond me...

Victoria Mirzayantz
Victoria Mirzayantz is a dorm prefect and a JV tennis co-captain. She really enjoyed playing tennis at Webb for three years and helping lead the team. Coming to Webb as a new sophomore, her favorite event was Theme Nights because it helped her create new bonds and meet new friends. On the weekends, Victoria likes to explore LA and watch movies with her friends. In a few years, Victoria can see her...

Eddie Moreira
Eddie Moreira offers a wise proverb to all who listen: “Don’t stress; everything happens for a reason.” When he is not assisting his peer advisees, you may find him in the library with his good friends, “the boys,” which is what he affectionately calls the WSC Class of 2019. Eddie admits that he will miss the bonds he have formed with his fellow classmates over four years, such as, John ...

Cody Murray-Bruce
At 6’0” with a magnetic personality, Cody Murray-Bruce is hard to miss. A leader on WSC Honor Council, his need to serve others will be missed as he looks towards Northwestern University. “Caring, funny, and intelligent” are just some of the adjectives Cody uses to describe himself. An avid fan of cartoons such as South Park and Family Guy, Cody hopes to follow in his dad’s footsteps and st...

Raian Ohtaka
Raian Ohtaka loves to hang out with his friends. No matter what they are doing or where they go, he enjoys spending time with the people who make life fun. When he leaves for the University of California, Los Angeles next year, Raian will miss the beautiful Webb campus and the incredible people, like Cody Murray-Bruce (‘19) and Eunice Yip (‘19), who make it what it is. Raian has loved staying ...

Caitlyn Ossa
Caitlyn Ossa can be found either leading prospective families and students around the school, in the theater, with her Peer Advisor group, or playing water polo in the pool. Caitlyn still thinks back to the bus ride during her freshman retreat, when she formed some of her closest friendships. She does regret breaking a door in Hooper in her freshman year while she was roughhousing; she was stressed ...

Nathan Paik
Nathan Paik is a constant source of energy around campus, often bursting with loud exclamations when least expected. Even if you have never gotten the chance to talk to him, you have most likely seen him casually dancing to the K-pop music playing in his head or shouting across the Quad to one of his friends. Along with this energy, Nathan demonstrates a bright spirit, navigating his courses unbiased...

Jacob Passalaqua
Known to his friends for his self-proclaimed “awkward, but charming and lovable” personality, Jacob Passalaqua has made the most of his four years at Webb. From dominating Theme Nights with his class, to piling up debate trophies, to driving his friends all around SoCal as the designated “dude with the car,” he has made lots of memories that will last a lifetime. Next year, Jacob will pursue a ...

Aaron Phung
Aaron Phung is a genius on the court and in the science lab. He smashes hoops while playing varsity basketball and kills it in Advanced Studies Organic Chemistry. However, one can not forget that he is also an explorer with a thirst for adventure and danger. He founded the first Pokemon Go Club on campus and has met many new friends on his expeditions. Aaron is also a music fanatic; he plays and r...

Emma Qin
As president of the Math Club and French Club, one would think Emma Qin could not handle any more academic rigor, yet she always goes the extra mile to exceed far beyond expectations. She is also on the tennis, robotics, and badminton teams and cannot pick a favorite because she looks forward to the next season at the end of every season. On the weekends, she sometimes goes out with her friends to ea...

Gracie Reda
In a small community like Webb, it can be hard to find your friend group, but getting to know new people is Gracie Reda’s greatest talent and passion. What she most appreciates about Webb are the personal relationships she has been able to develop with the faculty. Her favorite teachers include Brian Rogers, Michelle Gerken, and Jessica Fisher. She would advise her freshman self to simply be hers...

Erika Sampson
Erika is a very positive person on campus. If she could go back in time, she would tell her freshman self, “Don’t be afraid to try new things; go for it.” She holds a position on the Honor Cabinet, which she enjoys because it gives her an opportunity to help others and be a part of the community. Found on the Liu Cheung stage singing, acting, and dancing, she enjoyed the productions the most throug...

Emily Schoffman
Emily Schoffman is a natural leader, born with an unwavering ability to care for others. This quality is evident in her leadership responsibilities as a dorm prefect and co-captain of the VWS varsity tennis team. Her independence is a quality that will follow her to Rome this fall semester, and later to Tulane University in New Orleans. Taking after her mother, Emily hopes to study Psychology with ...

Andrew Shen
Andrew Shen is an avid gamer who can be found gaming with his friend Kourosh Ariane (‘19), in the gym talking about games with Dr. Brendan Beikmann, or sleeping, probably dreaming about playing games. He says some of his favorite memories have been his many gaming sessions, particularly his brief pro-career in the Russian shooter game Warface. Some might say Andrew plays too many games, but the U...

Maria Shevchuk
Maria Shevchuk is the friendly face you can count on to cheer you up any time any day. Coming to Webb in junior year, she has enjoyed getting to know the Class of 2019 in events like Theme Nights. As a dorm prefect, she loves helping and talking to anybody who needs a friend, offering them the sagest advice. She has dipped her toes in many new activities like water polo and swim. On the weekends, she ...

Kristopher Smith-Reichartz
You are driving down Towne Avenue and you see Kris Reichartz-Smith riding a skateboard, but not just any skateboard. He is cruising on his electric skateboard, heading down to his favorite coffee shop, Sanctuary Coffee. From the dorms to the admissions office and the volleyball court, Kris manages to accomplish it all and make his busy schedule look easy. On weekends, when he is not helping the fres...

Emily Stepanian
Emily Stepanian is one of those friends who comes by once in a lifetime. What makes her so unique is her capacity for caring about others and her natural leadership abilities. An admissions ambassador, dorm prefect, and co-captain of the VWS varsity soccer team, Emily’s drive is something that will follow her to University of Colorado and wherever life takes her after college. Emily hopes to become ...

Jeffrey Tang
You may know Jeffrey Tang as the quiet senior who slams the trash can lid early in the morning on Alamo Lawn. Jeffrey has enjoyed playing Super Smash Bros with his friends and going out to the Village to eat. Even though he laughs at his many tardies now, he liked functional fitness and the deadly warm-ups that he had to do. Jeffrey will also miss his friends and is sad to be leaving them because ...

Catherine Tanidjaja
Rumor has it that the song “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga may have been written about Catherine Tanidjaja. Catherine loves to dance anytime she can. She has participated in Webb’s dance show since her freshman year, with her favorite being Human, the 2018 dance show. Some of her favorite memories from Webb are choreographing her class’s winning Theme Nights dances. When she is not expressing herse...

Robert Torrance
Robert Torrance is the embodiment of the classic California spirit with his warm personality, chill vibes, and appreciation for the land around him. Whether he is exploring the Pacific Ocean, hiking up Potato Mountain with his best buddies, driving to the 626 Night Market, or cliff jumping into a Belizean river, the world is Robert’s oyster. When he reflects back on his time at Webb, he will remem...

Hoyin Tsoi
Hoyin Tsoi has the highest vertical jump you will ever see. The only things that are even more intense than his jump are his passions, whether they be for volleyball or for the people around him. Hoyin’s favorite memory at Webb is the 2019 volleyball season when his team continued far into CIF, a stunning winning streak compared to only winning one game during last year’s season. Hoyin believes...

Artem Vardanyan
A future Sociology major at San Francisco State University, Artem Vardanyan sees himself on top of the world in five years, after he transitions from the study of people into the business world. His mind is packed with resplendent Kanye verses. He is also a fan of self-improvement. Pointing to Eckhart Tolle’s famous line, “What a liberation to realize that the ‘voice in my head’ is not who I am. ...

Olivia Vasquez
Olivia Vasquez appreciates the friendly community of Webb, especially daily exchanges with friends and faculty around campus. For this reason, she considers Dr. Brendan Beikmann her favorite teacher because he is easy to talk to, and in turn, approachable. He is also knowledgeable about biology, one of Olivia's interests, as well as fitness, Olivia’s typical afternoon activity. This appreciation als...

Claire Wagner
Claire Wagner likes to make her own path, through doing what she loves and not caring about what others think. Claire started the diving team at Webb, even though she is no longer a part of it because she kept getting sick from cold morning practices. She still enjoys staying involved in Webb athletics in sports broadcasting. This afternoon activity gives her more time off to listen to her favorite i...

Connor Walker
When Connor Walker is not setting the mood in technical theatre, you might find him watching his favorite movie, Fried Green Tomatoes; or perhaps walking through a pile of crunchy granola-sounding leaves. Wherever you find him, he is definitely listening to his rock playlist. It contains songs from Nirvana and The Doors, even Jimi Hendrix and a touch of Benny Goodman. Connor is a guy of many words, and...

Annie Wu
Annie Wu is reflective and sentimental, lingering on the meaning behind what most of us would overlook. For instance, she often pauses to consider the scar on her knee, which she took after tripping along the “forest” way to class as a sophomore. Moments like these inspire Annie to tell her freshman self: never doubt yourself; knowing who you are is always the means to surmount any possible breaki...

Catherine Wu
Who is Catherine Wu? Did she wear pants under her massive t-shirts in freshman year? Does she regret wearing her hair in a bun for three years? Her Webb career is filled to the brim with funny stories and cherished memories. During Sadies her freshman year, she walked back from the Village at 9:45 p.m.. Once, she threw her socks into a fire to dry on an Unbounded trip. When she is not watching YouTub...

Linda Wu
If you ever hear a corny pun followed by a cackling laugh, chances are that you have just encountered the iconic Linda Wu. She is a leader on campus: chair of the Dorm Council, chair of the Service Council, and a three-year member of the Chapel Council. When not laughing at her own jokes or delegating duties among her peers, Linda can be found cultivating her passions for dance and music. She loves ...

Tony Xiong
Although Tony Xiong may seem quiet, he is truly a people-person. Some of Tony’s favorite experiences at Webb have been giving tours to prospective students or helping out at Revisit Day because he loves getting to know new people. Along with being an Admissions Fellow, Tony fondly remembers participating in a High Altitude Research Program with his friends, in which he sent a high altitude balloon...

Cathy Yan
Head peer advisor, former basketball star, debate team captain–these titles can not accurately describe Cathy Yan. However, singing “Old Town Road” with Lexie Freeland (‘19) and Christine Zhang (‘19) in her room, watching The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and going to Boiling Point and Din Tai Fung for some Chinese food would definitely describe Cathy. After shining on ...

Julia Yanez
A passionate and ambitious student, Julia Yanez cannot wait to make a big impact on the world. When she is not doing homework, you can find her spending time with friends and family, watching Friends and The Office, or maybe out of the country on one of Webb’s international trips. Her passion for travel has taken her all around the world, from beautiful England to the tropical paradise of Belize. Julia m...

Brian Yang
Have you ever been on campus and heard someone scream “Zao Ye”? It was probably because somebody is passing by Brian Yang. Since his earliest days at Webb, Brian has spent his time playing basketball and video games when he was not tirelessly doing schoolwork. While getting buckets and Victory Royales, Brian has made a wide range of friends, all of whom are fond of his kind and humorous presen...

Alex Yeung
If you decide to take a break on a Friday night to hang out with friends in the library after a long week, you will most likely see a tired, sweaty bodybuilder with a sweat-soaked stringer muscle tank and a pair of orange workout shoes signing back in from LA Fitness. Do not confuse him with the Hulk: he is Alex Yeung. Alex is attracted to bodybuilding and actually enjoys grinding towards his goal of be...

Eunice Yip
Eunice Yip, Dr. Andy Farke’s star paleontologist, has had an incredibly successful Webb career. As VWS class president, she led her the class of 2019 to three consecutive Theme Nights wins. She has more debate trophies than she can count. This year, she became a published researcher when she wrote a paper on the plant-eating dinosaur Edmontosaurus along with Dr. Farke. When she is not working hard in...

Joyce Yuan
At Webb, you can find Joyce Yuan making avocado toast for breakfast or hot pot for dinner with her friends. To get her through the grueling papers and lab reports, Joyce listens to lofi hip-hop on YouTube. As a golfer, she loves the support of her team even though the sport is mainly individual. She considers golf as a way to escape the bustle of Webb and relax with a bowl of açai. As head of the...

Christine Zhang
After finishing a block of Advanced Studies Existentialism and the Human Condition, Christine Zhang’s favorite class, she might have Chinese food and watch Grey’s Anatomy. Throughout the years, Christine met her best friends at Webb. Not only did they become part of her weekend routine, but they also motivated her to work hard and achieve her goals. Looking back, Christine feels like transferring to W...

Cindy Zhang
Who is enthusiastic, always there for you, and has a million-dollar smile? Obviously, Cindy Zhang. Serving as vice-chair of the Dorm Council, co-captain of the varsity tennis team, and a stellar academic, Cindy has accepted every opportunity that Webb has given her. Cindy’s favorite memory at Webb was during an extremely stressful tennis game. She was struggling at first, but then all of her team...

Breckelle Zheng
If you look up the word “ambitious” in the dictionary, a picture of Breckelle Zheng will show up beside it. When she is not doing her school work, Breckelle can be found editing for the yearbook or leading the varsity badminton team as a co-captain. Outside of Webb, she loves to hang out with her friends, or watch The Office, The Walking Dead, and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. After she attends college at Brown ...

Crystal Zhu
Crystal Zhu is currently a dorm prefect in Appleby who enjoys challenging herself in cross country, eating out with friends, or just relaxing on campus. Crystal loved this year’s Homecoming for its large, spacious venue and because she got to go with her friends, but still regrets her sophomore Homecoming because she went with a junior. Her advice for her freshman self is to be true to authentic...
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