Li, well–known tech aficionado and master robotics team leader, is open to lending a helping hand to any tech issues. Whether it is the stories of late-night shenanigans that happen at the Robotics classroom, the sight of Lucas and his teammates all running up Gym hill at 10:59 p.m. desperately trying to avoid missing check-in, or the countless hours of effort and care that he has put into the program, Lucas has cemented himself as a legend at Webb. Outside his work in robotics, he enjoys biking, flying drones, polishing up his driving skills, and staying home with family. Lucas also has many close friends such as Jonathan, Jake, and Justin, but believes that friends are often fleeting, quoting “前无古人后无来者” (There was no parallel [regarding friendship] before him and there probably will be none ever after). However, with the advent of technology, he can now use messaging platforms to keep in touch after he graduates, something he is grateful for. As Lucas shifts gears into his college life, Lucas will miss the vibrant community but looks forward to continuing his passion for technology by studying Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Irvine.
Lucas Li
May 30, 2024