The phrase “Do what thou wilt, that is the whole of the law” stems from Aleister Crowley’s Thelema philosophy, which embodies the essence of individual freedom. For Reynolds Dormitory resident Kevin Zeng, it’s not just a saying but a guiding principle that shapes his life. Each day, Kevin focuses on what inspires him, whether it be his passion for philosophy, his eight-year dedication to playing the violin or engaging in his favorite video game, Dungeons and Dragons. While at Webb, Kevin has found solace in playing Phantom of the Opera music in the Webb virtual concert and in indulging in his keen interest in researching various topics such as catalyst fusions. Thelema teaches that everyone has the right to seek out and follow their true path in life, a principle Kevin plans to live out through his time at New York University while majoring in Physics. Kevin doesn’t like to proclaim where or what he’ll be doing in the future, as no one can foresee that, but one thing is for sure: whatever he chooses to do, he will do it freely.
Kevin Zeng
May 30, 2024