Following in the footsteps of Frank Qiu feels like embarking on an epic Gundam saga, where reliability and creativity serve as guiding stars. As the D1 varsity badminton captain, Frank’s leadership extends beyond the court, as he teaches teammates badminton skills and helps the coach communicate with other teams during a match. Simultaneously, he serves as the vice president of both the art and anime clubs, fostering creativity and entertainment in the Webb community. Immersed in the world of art, Frank thrives in his favorite class, Honors Studio Art Digital, with Ms. Horejsi. With a passion for Gundam and an outstanding talent for drawing, his weekends are usually a blend of immense creativity, rest, and visits to Little Tokyo with friends for Mecha Models. Frank passion and love for the Gundam anime series since childhood stem from its majestic worldbuilding and artistic style. As he grew, Gundam became an important inspiration in Frank’s work, fueling his desire to pursue animation with deeper thematic resonance. Frank is going to pursue his dreams for animation at Tisch School of New York University and become an anime director in the future, eager to infuse joy and profound ideas in his creations.
Frank Qiu
May 30, 2024