Webb rankings decline: what happened?
February 20, 2025
Nicole Lee (‘25) frets over Webb’s change in the Niche Rankings. Since 2022, Webb has fallen from 25th best American boarding high school to 41st. “Of course, the school is more than rankings, but such an enormous drop is not a good sign,” said Nichole.
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About the Contributors

Eric Luo, Chief of Media
Eric Luo (‘25), a senior looking forward to graduating at the end of this year, brings a unique blend of passions to campus. As the leader of the Mycology club, Eric’s enthusiasm for nature shines through his hobby of growing mushrooms; a practice he enjoys for its sustainable benefits and culinary rewards, this passion for environmental preservation mirrors his dedication to upholding strong journalistic integrity. Eric spent this summer abroad reconnecting with old friends in China and Hong Kong; traveling to Japan, he enriched his palette and broadened his perspective. Adding on to his talents, Eric is also musically inclined, composing jazz and playing three instruments: saxophone, bassoon, and piano. Continuing his journalistic pursuit in his final year, Eric remains determined to produce impactful work for the Webb Canyon Chronicle. He also hopes to bring thought-provoking content surrounding politics, such as foreign policies, social issues, and other controversies that people may feel judged in talking about. This year, Eric looks forward to bringing forward a variety of opinions and voices in and out of the Webb community, giving everybody a platform to be heard.
Favorite song: Twilight by Bôa

Sandy Li, Staff Writer
Sandy Li (‘27) is an adrenaline junkie; you can always catch her trying out new things, whether that’s wrestling, new TV shows, or even now journalism. Expect the unexpected when it comes to Sandy. No one knew she was coming to Webb, not even herself. She spontaneously decided to join the Webb community and study abroad, coming all the way from Shenzhen, China to sunny California. Before joining Webb, Sandy was unsure of her passions and unable to find her true self. Now she branches out and does things for herself, not for others’ validation. She unexpectedly joined girls wrestling and took everyone by surprise with her amazing talents as a first year on the team, coming out on top as league champion by the end of the season. This year, Sandy is branching out once again; she is taking journalism and is here to stay. Her creative writing style is sure to bring a big bang into the publication, as writing is not just a hobby for her but a talent. In fact, outside of the classroom you can catch Sandy winning poetry contests, just another one of her spontaneous hobbies that became a honed talent.
Favorite Song: Burn (Hamilton Musical) by Phillipa Soo