Final Day of Webb-chella: Spring Concert
On April 29, Webb’s choir and orchestra put on their annual Spring Concert. Every school year, the music department has two concerts to showcase the work of the students who participate in choir and orchestra. The concerts were organised by Sean Burns, Linda Silva, and Kyle Champion, members of the Music Department.
This year, the concert landed on the same weekend as Jubilee, as well as Mr. Burns’ daughter’s one year birthday. To make this concert special, the students began rehearsing the day after Candlelight to master the difficult songs they were going to play.
The choir performed songs such as “Sure on your Shining Knight,” “The Road Home,” and “O Freedom.” For the members of the chamber choir, “Soneto de la Noche” was the hardest one to perform due to the many key changes and sustains. In collaboration with the orchestra, soloists from the choir also performed “Imagine.”
The orchestra also featured many difficult songs such as “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Carmen Fantasy,” where violinist Jun Kim (‘19) delivered an expert solo. Other songs they performed were “Tales of Vandosar,” “Mendelssohn Symphony No. 5,” and the “James Bond Medley.” The orchestra also featured a professional trumpet player, Dr. Grasmick, who enhanced the sound of the show.
“Our choir class has worked really hard to prepare for this concert, and we had some really hard pieces we never thought we could do, but we still managed to do it, even though some of us were sick,” said Ashley Fu (‘20). Many members of the choir and orchestra had a tiring few weeks ahead of them, since they were practicing hard for both Jubilee and the Spring Concert.
There were also seniors in the group who would be performing for their final time at Webb. “The concert was my last, so it was a bittersweet moment for me. But I played my heart out and it was one for the books,” said Tony Jun (‘18), who played the saxophone and percussion.
Although the seniors are moving on from the program, the Orchestra and Choir will continue to develop with the new generation of musicians. Their next performance, the Candlelight Concert, will be in the fall.

A bonafide Libra, Summer Chen (‘20), the Editor-in-Chief of Webb Canyon Chronicle, believes herself to be emotional, caring, and guided by her intuitions....