Theme Nights Recap
Following a spirited week of dressing up, Theme Nights finally arrived on March 24th. Theme Nights is an event in which each grade competes with each other to ultimately win first place by performing skits and dressing up. To gain points throughout the week however, students dressed up in costumes and attire to match the specific theme for that day.
The dress-up themes corresponded with those assigned to each of the grades. This year, the overarching theme was TV channels (from seniors to freshmen, respectively): Food Network, NBC, Nickelodeon, and MTV.
At 6:30 p.m., students of all classes gathered outside the gym, ready to showcase their well-rehearsed skits. Crowds separating the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors chanted class slogans and cheers to build up the spirit of the event.
After the students finished chanting, they piled onto the bleachers in the decorated gym. Student Government set up a stage area with posters as backdrops for each of the grades. Finally, the seniors sprinted into the dark gym with glow sticks, balloons, and cookies, officially symbolising that Theme Nights began.
The freshman class debut performance starred Abbie Arroyo (‘21) and Allie Guerrini (‘21) as they took a look at different sets on an exclusive tour of an MTV studio. The choreographers planned an intense dance for their class to execute at the end of their skit, which is not typical for a freshman class. Considering it was their first experience with Theme Nights, the class of 2021 maintained class spirit and put together a skit that earned the judges’ approval.
Following the freshmen, the sophomore class presented their Nickelodeon skit. JD O’Donnell (‘20) and Langdon Dearborn (‘20) were the hosts for the sophomore version of the Kid’s Choice Awards. The skit was about the villains of Nickelodeon shows uprising against the heroes, starring classic characters such as Spongebob, Plankton, and iCarly. The crowd’s favorite moment of the show was when Biotech teacher, Dr. Beikmann, dabbed during the unity dance.
Just as the underclassmen performances came to an end, the most anticipated performances of the night began. Since the junior and senior classes placed first and second respectively in regards to dress up points throughout the week, everyone was looking forward to their skits to find out which grade would triumph.
Following their theme on NBC, the Juniors presented their story, which merged The Office and America’s Got Talent. Their performance included singing by Rachel Kho (‘19) and Willy Martinez (‘19), who played Pam and Jim in the skit, live music by members of the orchestra, and ballet and K-Pop dance routines by enthusiastic members of their class (who also performed at Webb Idol). To end their performance, Jim and Pam shared a kiss and the whole class danced together to signal the end of their skit.
The seniors’ performance uncovered the story of Gordon Ramsey’s manipulation towards other chefs. The stars of the Food Network received word that Gordon Ramsey had been kidnapped, and had to work together to save him. Their show featured the acting of Steven Abouchedid (‘18), who perfectly impersonated Guy Fieri. As they neared the end of their last Theme Nights at Webb, the seniors came out and danced together in the gym for the very last time.
After each grade presented, the students were invited to the After Party, where there was an array of delicious finger foods and a tent where a professional DJ played upbeat music. Students ate and danced to pass time while the judges came to a decision. The final winner was the Junior Class (2019), followed by the Senior class (2018), Sophomore class (2020), and Freshman class(2021).

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