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The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

Daira Kaufman, Webb’s choreographer for the dance company instructs the whole dance team. Ms. Kaufman has been choreographing the dancers in many different styles of dancing to perform for the dance show. ”Styles and themes include contemporary dance, jazz, hip hop, K-pop, ballet, dance theater, dance as political satire, dance as resistance, a Community Dinner like you've never seen before, and so much more,” said Ms. Kaufman.
Webb’s dance program leaps into a new chapter
Sydney Mildon, Chief Editor of Features | December 16, 2024

Having joined Webb’s dance program last year, Daria Kaufman brings a structured approach to choreography and rehearsal. Her involvement is...

Tyler Liu (‘25), a local day student, runs alongside West Baseline Road. Here, the road is riddled with imperfections and hasty patches, though there may be hope for a solution soon. The City of Claremont began a near $2 million citywide street resurfacing project approved at the May 28 City Council meeting. This project, which will span from Indian Boulevard to Towne Avenue, has locals hoping that this is a precursor to changes across all streets. “I can definitely feel some bumps while driving to school,” Tyler said.
Claremont, local politics, and you: what changes are happening around Webb?
Phillip Park, Editor of Science and Technology | December 16, 2024
Every Monday, prefects gather in the Arts Lab to brainstorm ideas and finalize plans for the upcoming holiday party. Led by Dr. Ardina Greco, prefect council advisor, the prefects have been organizing the event since before Thanksgiving break, with each prefect contributing ideas to make the evening memorable. “Every time the prefects host some sort of event on campus, there’s a lot of work that happens behind the scenes that people don’t always recognize,” Sydney Morales (‘25) said. Every year, the Holiday party is the most anticipated event of the winter season.
Upper Dorms light up for the Holiday party
Elena Petrova, Editor-in-Chief | December 14, 2024
Students fill nearly every seat in the dining hall, catching up with friends over lunch. Food is undeniably an important part of the Webb life, so a total of 250 students and faculty communicated their opinions about the dining hall food through the food survey sent out by Michael Hoe, Assistant Head of School. “It's empowering to be able to give feedback on stuff that's going well and not going well,” Hanbo Xu (‘25) said. It has been about a month since students took the survey; what is occurring behind the scenes?
Food survey bridges student-admin communication
Kathy Duan, Chief Copy Editor | December 12, 2024
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The infamous flag that sits in the middle of the quad blows viciously in the wind. After the January 2022 windstorm, waking up to high winds had many Webbies stressed. As many Webbies trudged down to class they were met with the sight of the flag blowing everywhere and leaves hurtling at their eyes. “It was very distracting because I had to carry a lot of papers for IPC,” said Michael Albornoz (‘26). “It was bothering me it kept blowing my papers and bending them all over.”
Windstorm harkens to 2022 incident
Berklee Antecol, Editor of Opinion | March 27, 2024
Blue, white, and gold colored balloons surround the doorway to the new Bonnie Johnson Hall. Dr. Theresa Smith and Blake Johnson pose with large scissors, prepared to cut the ribbon as many faculty, alumni, and others watch and applaud. “I look at [the science lab] as a space where students are pursuing their own scientific questions, where they can collaborate with their other peers, and where discovery is happening,” said Lisa Nacionales, Science Department Chair.
An exclusive first look into the Bonnie Johnson Hall and the ribbon cutting ceremony
Stephanie Ma and Leia Albornoz | March 7, 2024