Dracula: behind the scenes of a bloody good show!
November 18, 2022
Sam Kamal (‘25), Jack Messina (‘23), Jonah Canty (‘23), Oliver Butcher (‘24) and Ryan Walker (‘23) in the theatre booth during the show. Ryan can be seen operating the lightboard while Jack controls the video recording of the show. The tight booth struggles to accommodate the crowd of techies. “Knowing the ins and outs of the show, you have a different perspective… you notice every mistake, but you also feel proud of yourself when everything goes well,” said Oliver.
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About the Contributors

Dan Danylov, Co-Editor of Sports & Co-Editor of Opinion
Most Webb students spend their summer at the beach or relaxing with friends, but Dan Danylov (‘23) is not like most Webb students. Dan spent his summer in Romania assisting Ukrainian refugees to obtain the proper documents and find flights. His willingness to help others in need highlights Dan’s dedicated humanitarianism and loyal friendship. At Webb, Dan is the head dorm prefect in Jones, which he claims is the best dorm on campus. He is a perfect fit for the prefect role; he loves helping his peers and is adept at making the lives of those around him just a little bit better. Dan also loves the arts, playing both drums and guitar, and is constantly listening to his favorite genre, post-punk, also known as soviet rock. Not stopping with music, Dan is an avid film enthusiast in his free time and recently enjoyed Sorry to Bother You, an Afro-Surrealist film from 2018. When he’s not watching movies or practicing the drums, Dan spends his time with friends. If you ever happen to drop by his dorm late at night, chances are he will be forgoing a good night’s rest to speak with his friends and family on the other side of the world. Dan hopes to use his position as Co-Editor of Opinion and Co-Editor of Sports to improve his and his peers’ writing and advocate for issues he is passionate about.
Favorite Song: “Redbone” by Childish Gambino

Stephanie Ma, Editor-in-Chief
Stephanie Ma (‘25) is no stranger to the spotlight and the gaze of an attentive audience. Taking on roles such as Editor-in-Chief of the WCC, president of Webb Thespians, and co-head of the honor council, Steph is passionate about serving the community. As a head HC, she hopes to direct other students through the disciplinary process and foster community values. A dedicated member of Webb’s theatre department, she designs lights in the fall, works as a stage manager in the winter, and performs onstage in the spring. Although Steph’s limelight is usually directed at helping her fellow students, she illuminates her own talents through music. Since learning guitar the summer before her freshman year, she instantly fell for the instrument’s rich melodies and its ability to channel her vibrant energy. Playing the guitar allows Steph to express her emotions freely without pressure, inspiring her to write original songs. She has debuted her golden melodies at the Claremont Village, serenaded the crowd at open mic events, and performed at Jubilee. Steph is ready to shine vividly during her senior year as she encourages her fellow writers to step into the spotlight.
Favorite Song: You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift

Elena Petrova, Editor-in-Chief
Elena Petrova (‘25) is a passionate and dedicated journalist with the hopes and dreams of making a positive impact on her home country of Russia. Born and raised in Moscow, Elena came to Webb to seek a broader perspective and to escape the dictatorship of her country. She currently works as an English tutor for Russian students and hopes to one day return to her homeland to pursue investigative journalism, focusing on political murders, war crimes and corruption. In her personal time, Elena enjoys crocheting and watching true crime documentaries, especially Russian cases from the 80s and 90s. Elena’s goal for this year’s publication is to reach a wider audience. Inspired by the work of journalist Elena Milashina, whom she shares a name with, Elena seeks to follow in her footsteps. Elena is motivated by the impact Milashina’s investigations have had, as they have helped hundreds of families find out what is happening to their country and to their loved ones. Elena wishes to use her passion and journalistic skills to contribute to the better making of Russia.
Favorite song: я танцую вас by maslo chernogo tmina