Student panel shares their experiences from Student Diversity Leadership Conference 2022 and 2021
December 16, 2022
John Choi, Director of Equity, Valeria Gonzalez (‘23), Gabby Diaz (‘23), Izzy Kim (‘24), Ale Fountain (‘24), and Kenny Clay (‘25) gather around a table and reflect and compare their experiences at the 2021 and 2022 Student Diversity Leadership Conferences.
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About the Contributors

Kathy Duan, Chief Copy Editor
When looking for Kathy Duan (’25) you will find her in three places: the library, her dorm, or the pool. If you catch Kathy in Fawcett Library, you might see her working as Chief Copy Editor, making the style guide accessible, taking on questions, and editing works to ensure they are accurate and match the feel of WCC. Just like she is passionate about the publication, you will find Kathy passionately studying for her Advanced Studies Fascism class, learning about political theory and ideology. She carries this excitement to Appleby, where she preps for an upcoming debate, which she will vigorously pursue. You will also see her binging her favorite show, The Good Place or watching anything to do with dystopia. Dipping into Webb pool, you find her passion there as well — spot Kathy swiftly weaving through the water and scoring goals from the half-distance line as Water Polo Captain. Kathy is excited to conclude her year at this publication as a head editor, writing opinion pieces, discussing politics, and sparking important conversations. She will dig deep into any story pushing through the surface level, excited to learn about new people, and ideas.
Favorite song: Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey

Bryan Oglesby, Chief Editor of Sports
Bryan Oglesby (‘23) has made himself known in the world of Webb athletics by being both the captain of the varsity football team and track & field team. His love for sports is intertwined with his love for the Webb Canyon Chronicle, as he takes on a new role this year as the Chief Editor of Sports. Being an athlete has given Bryan many talents such as being able to jump over his leg, do handstands, and do front flips, all in that order. Along with football, Bryan’s favorite hobbies are singing, playing a variety of sports with his family, helping the community, and cooking. Bryan loves cooking his favorite meal, beef Wellington, for himself and his friends at social gatherings or just for fun when he’s hungry. Outside the WCC, Bryan is an avid leader in the community by being a head peer advisor and his role in the Empowering Student Voices Initiative. Bryan also prides himself on being a scholar. His favorite class is LA Literary Culture with Mr. Calvert because it puts LA into a different light and has given him a new perspective on the city he grew up in. Going into his senior year, Bryan hopes to write meaningful articles that will benefit the community as well as staying connected to his family during his last year of high school. He hopes to end his final year at the WCC with a bang.
Favorite song: “Ultralight Beam” by Kanye

Jovana Luna, Chief of Features
Whether it’s her closest friends or her fellow classmates, everyone who knows her agrees that Jovana Luna (’24) is an unforgettable presence on Webb’s campus. As a Feature editor of the Webb Canyon Chronicle, she is keen on improving the publication by expressing her creativity through multimedia endeavors on the WCC website. Beyond her academic pursuits, she possesses a musical flair and has mastered the electric guitar over five years to serenade her friends and neighbors alike with songs such as “Bohemian Rhapsody”. She is an avid fan of classic rock and Taylor Swift, her favorite artist. Attending a Taylor Swift concert over the summer has only deepened Jovana’s love of her music after her amazing experience. Jovana has been an avid dancer for the entirety of her life and enjoys performing even at Webb. During the summer, she had a bustling schedule working at Coldstone Creamery, but she never forgot to walk her beloved dog, Apollo, every morning. Now that she’s back at school, Jovana’s weekends are filled with quality time spent with friends as they hang out and talk together.
Song: Long Live – Taylor Swift

Leia Albornoz, Public Editor
Senior and WCC Public Editor Leia Albornoz (‘25) is a born leader in and out of Webb. While on campus, Leia is captain of the varsity golf team, heavily involved in Asian affinity, a head editor of the WCC, and a peer advisor. Leia enjoys being a PA because she loved growing up as a big sister and wants to give that closeness and trust to new students. It makes her happy when someone feels comfortable confiding in her. Outside of Webb, you can find her listening to “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill,” an album she listens to everyday. Aside from music, you can catch her eating Sinigang, her favorite Filipino soup, or taking the people she loves to a local museum, as a way of sharing her interests. As she goes into her senior year and prepares to leave Webb, her main goal is to make a difference as a leader. She wants to increase representation for girls who share her ethnicity and give back to the communities and people who have cared for her. With these goals in mind, Leia intends to make her senior year the best it can be!
Favorite Song: I’m So Into You by SWV