“It’s very important that you choose the bread with the black seeds on it,” said Pui Fong (‘24), a Webb bagel connoisseur.
The bagel bread serves as the foundation of a good bagel. When toasted golden brown, the poppy seed gives off a nutty aroma that wafts into your nose before the bagel touches your mouth. You cannot just pick any average bagel bread—you should pick one with a particularly small hole in the middle. The reason pertains to the next step: the spread.

There are many combinations of spread, but for bagel expert Fong, peanut butter and jelly, a classic, is the one to choose. Spread one condiment on each side and smack it together! PB and J can provide you with comfort as you reminisce about your mom’s PB and J sandwich. The small hole in the bagel now comes to play. For any spread that might overflow, a small hole is necessary to prevent any loss of your precious filling.

Though this article gives you a way to make a good bagel, Fong ultimately advises that you follow your heart.
“[Bagel making] is a time to express my desires,” Fong said. “It gives me the freedom to truly eat what I want.”

Whether you make a bagel during breakfast or when you have a “spare minute” between your classes, take this time as a rare moment to do simply what you want amidst your many duties at Webb.
Phillip Park | Nov 4, 2024 at 2:27 PM
The combination of peanut butter and jelly and poppy seeds is revolting, a severe affront to British culture, and reeks of cultural Disgustitude.