Etienne Griffon (‘23) smiles at the camera behind LED letters that spell out “DSP.” As a DSP, Etienne spent his time during the Winter Social passing out cookies and conversing with friends, such as Isaac Naren (‘23), a fellow DSP who stands on his right. “My job was pretty fun,” Etienne said. “There wasn’t much to it, but I basically made sure that the food didn’t run out.”
Love is in the air at the DSP winter social
February 23, 2023
Red lights shine against the backdrop advertising the day student prefect (DSP) Winter Social, as a drum set awaits to be played by the Tonics, Webb’s very own student band. The DSP social was filled with Valentine’s Day decorations and activities and the event ended with The Tonics performing a few songs. “Since the social happened later in February, we chose to go with a Valentine’s Day theme,” said Kaylynn Chang (‘23), head day student prefect. “We just wanted to create a fun day for everyone.” Many students stayed in the Hooper Community Center during lunchtime to enjoy the festivities the DSPs prepared.
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About the Contributors

Noe Chock, Chief Editor of Media
Once you get to know Noelani Chock (‘23), she might remind you of a series of fireworks, launching off a compact spot and bursting her colorful energy to those around her. Dedicated soccer player and avid K-pop fan, Noe catapults into the Webb Canyon Chronicle as the Chief of Media, with the ambitions of contributing to future media progression. Noe, ironically allergic to crabs, is a compassionate Cancer that carries the water sign trait of devotion and as a result, is eager to experience an explosive final year. When she is not blocking shooting balls in soccer as a goalkeeper, digging balls at her varsity volleyball practice, or igniting spirit events as head peer-advisor, you’ll find her kickin’ it back at the beach with friends, munching on some boba and sushi, or concocting her next colorful batch of slime. She hopes to continue the Webb Canyon Chronicle’s momentum from last year and organize an extensive project like the Unbounded Days video series. Her radiant presence and immense school spirit are impossible to miss on campus, so watch out — Noe is back to finish her senior year with a bang.
Favorite song: “0x1 Lovesong” by TXT

Wura Ogunnaike, Editor of Culture & Lifestyle & Social Media Manager
After spending her summer in a lab for a science research program, Wura Ogunnaike (23’) is ready to return to the Webb Canyon Chronicle as a Social Media Manager and the Editor of Culture & Lifestyle. Reflecting her earlier efforts, Wura enjoys writing for the publication because of the freedom and wide range of topics she can cover in the process. This year, aside from having fun with writing, Wura is also taking on the responsibility of a Social Media Manager by utilizing social media outreach to attract more readership and enhance the reputation of the Webb Canyon Chronicle. Outside of the newsroom, Wura is a Jameson dorm prefect, where she always demonstrates the perfect balance between enacting leadership when necessary and showing kindness to her fellow dorm residents. In her free time, Wura likes to read, hike, and listen to Taylor Swift songs. However, her favorite song is “This is What Makes Us Girls” by Lana Del Rey. In addition to developing new interests, her goal for herself is to branch out in multimedia and work on social media-related publications. Some examples include podcasts or a photo gallery, which she has already exposed herself to during her first year of journalism.
Favorite Song: “This Is What Makes Us Girls” by Lana Del Rey