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The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

The Student News Site of The Webb Schools

Webb Canyon Chronicle

Gaby Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg

Gaby Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg, Editor of Opinion

No one can match Gaby Trauttmansdorff (‘22)’s unapologetically kind and fierce personality. As a dorm prefect and an admission fellow here at Webb, she values the commitment it takes to make everyone feel heard and welcomed on campus. Gaby, a dedicated editor and journalist of the Webb Canyon Chronicle, connects with the community by sharing messages about justice and equality. Fascinated by the sciences, Gaby is passionate about neurology and neuroscience. Outside of class, she likes to relax by listening to Harry Styles or baking delicious sugar cookies. Gaby also enjoys playing the guitar or reading intriguing books. Every morning, Gaby savors a cup of coffee: a homebrewed Starbucks roast with her choice of pumpkin spice creamer. An avid television watcher, Gaby’s favorite movies and shows include Legally Blonde, Moana, Little Women, and Gilmore Girls. As the Co-Editor of Opinion, Gaby hopes to communicate the importance of increasing equity between VWS and WSC and strives to incorporate more diversity on campus. As a committed Webb leader, Gaby does whatever it takes to bring about fairness for students on campus.

Favorite song: "Happy and Sad" by Kacey Musgraves

All content by Gaby Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg